Open Morning at Flinders Early Learning Centre

Join us on Saturday, 29 March

Families who are considering the Flinders Early Learning Centre in Buderim are invited for an Open Morning of colour, creativity and connection from 9am-10am on Saturday, 29 March.

Bring your family to experience a normal day of early years play at FELC. Activities will include painting, natural playdough, craft, books, blocks and doll play as well as water play, sandpits galore and the all-time favourite hang-out: the mud kitchen.

Come and meet our teachers and director to ask your questions about FELC for your child’s development. You’ll learn why we are so passionate about providing a caring, compassionate and child-centred Reggio Emilia experience.

You can also learn about our special nature programs that give our young learners authentic wild experiences in the outdoors, including our Bush Kindy, Flinders Farm visits and Community Gardens.

Please complete the form below to book your place.

FELC student Bush Kindy in BuderimFELC students at Flinders FarmFELC Bush KindyFELC students playing footballFELC students

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